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Micromax & REAPP TECHNOLOGY© join forces

May 19, 2021

Collaborating for success

After a long relationship with the technologists behind patented technology created to protect devices and secure data, Micromax has become the distributor and the commercial partner for REAPP TECHNOLOGY©.

The need for protecting our data has never been clearer, it requires a holistic, multi-layered approach. REAPP TECHNOLOGY © has developed unique, patented technology that supports the integrity of our devices and data.

Creating a circle of trust

To establish a source of truth as our devices communicate we need the ability to create a circle of trust; being able to recognise and endorse safe communication and activity is essential to ensuring secure data management. For this we need innovative technology.

High-level agencies and organizations are already implementing measures to counter the ever growing challenge of the cyber threats we face. This battle occurs online but also at the device level, this is where REAPP Technology© solutions can control the arena.

Our solutions operate free from the cloud and provide foundational security features to secure devices  – at the device level.

Confidence in our data should be extended to all of us as we now live our lives digitally. With our finances, our health and our identities now online – our vision is to provide secure device use and data protection for all aspects of our lives.

This technology can be utilised in a range of devices and has applications across many industries including Government, Defence, Health, Financial services including Cryptocurrencies and Legal services.


Solutions available now

Currently available is Hermes for Android © a device based security software solution, perfect for securing devices and the data they hold.

Learn more

Visit the REAPP Technology© supplier page to learn more or get in touch to learn more about the technology and your industry.

Contact us today.

Categories: Embedded Computing, Security

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